Open Joint Stock Company
"NPO Center"

Phone: +375 17 259-03-57
Fax: +375 17 313-45-40
Rus / Eng
уникальные разработки

The technology of grinding of portland cement clinker with the use of КИ complexes provides for production of cements of the sorts ПЦ400 and ПЦ500 according to GOST 10178-85. 

 The introduced technology has a number of advantages in comparison with ball grinding:

- specific energy consumption for  grinding of portland cement clinker with the use of centrifugal impact mills is 12-18% less than specific energy consumption for  grinding in ball mills;

- concrete mixes based on cements produced by centrifugal impact mills are 4-6 l/m3 less water-needed, and the consumption of cement is 7-13 kg/m3 less;

The specialists of NPO Center have also worked out a technology of mixed portland cement production (MPC).

The MPC were tested in heavy concretes of the sorts 12,5 and 7,5 and it was stated that the concretes physical, mechanical and operating performance is standard. The technology provides for substantial production cost reduction.

In 2009 some research works on regrinding of ordinary sorted cements with the use of NPO Center centrifugal impact mills were carried out. The goal was to determinate means of improvement of the binding agent sort, the influence of activation effect on concrete characteristics (particles surface activity increase after grinding) and a possibility to use sticky cements to produce concrete mixes after preliminary grinding.

It was stated that:

- the binding agent specific surface has increased from 3029 to 3439 sm2/g;

- the ordinary and activated portland cements setting up time is practically the same, regrinding of the binding agent does not cause any changes in concrete production process parameters;

- the concrete, which is made of regrinded portland cement, and is setting up in normal-wet conditions, depending on the time is 11-25% harder on compression and 8-17% on bending as compared to the concrete made of ordinary cements;

- steamed concrete has similar principles of growth of strength as the concrete which is hardening in normal-wet conditions;

- kinetics of  growth of strength of activated cement concrete is analogous in time of growth with the ordinary Portland cement concrete.

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