Open Joint Stock Company
"NPO Center"

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уникальные разработки

There is a manganese ore concentration plant in Polunochnoje (North Ural) which was designed and built for entirely dry concentration processes. The use of this technology made it possible to receive a concentrate with 30% manganese content (up to 19% grade of mined ore), when it is extracted into the concentrate – 79%, the grade of manganese in the tails is up to 8%.   

This technology is novel and it considerably outperforms traditional concentration flowsheets. The concentrate received is a standard product for metal industry, concentration rejects are used for construction materials production.   

The application of dry electromagnetic manganese ore concentration technology (South Hingan, manganese content – up to 20%) made it possible to receive a concentrate with about 42-44% manganese grade, up to 35% at the output, about 75% - manganese extraction. The tailings content is 64-66% with up to 8% grade of manganese.

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